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Armor Inspector

1 reviews
22 k downloads

Increase your chances of winning in World of Tanks

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Armor Inspector is an indispensable tool for World of Tanks enthusiasts across all platforms, including PC, mobile, and console. As a dedicated companion, it enhances gameplay by providing critical insights into the armor, penetration abilities, and internal structures of over 700 vehicles within the game.

When engaging in tank battles, knowledge is power. The app allows you to choose a specific gun and target vehicle, offering you a strategic advantage by revealing how to mitigate damage and maximize your offensive impact. It presents real-time calculations of penetration chances and a high-explosive (HE) damage map view, enabling you to assess your attack's potential effectiveness.

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Armor Inspector’s standout feature is its 3D models, which offer a comprehensive view from any angle or distance, providing a deeper understanding of each tank's armor strengths and vulnerabilities. This visual approach is further supplemented with intricate details about armor groups and the 3D placement of internal modules and crew for most tanks. Such precise information empowers you to exploit weak spots while protecting your own vehicle from enemy fire.

In addition to its robust analytical capabilities, the game is designed with a user-friendly interface that is both enjoyable and simple to interact with. The 3D visualization helps players swiftly grasp complex details. Moreover, it guarantees an uninterrupted experience, as it operates without any advertisements.

The latest Version 2.0 of the software signifies a comprehensive overhaul, resulting in a more polished and efficient experience. It is a standalone product developed in line with Wargaming’s Developer Partner Program terms and policies, yet it is not officially affiliated with Wargaming, the creators of World of Tanks.

For any player looking to gain a competitive edge, this tool is a trusted ally in the quest for battlefield dominance. Embrace the strategic advantage and witness your performance soar by integrating Armor Inspector into your World of Tanks strategy repertoire.

This review has been crafted using the insights provided by Andrew Karpushin.

Requirements (Latest version)

  • Android 5.0 or higher required

Information about Armor Inspector 3.12.13

Package Name com.dreamfarmgames.wot.armorinspector.android2
License Free
Op. System Android
Category General
Language English
10 more
Author Andrew Karpushin
Downloads 21,987
Date Jul 28, 2024
Content Rating +3
Advertisement Not specified
Why is this app published on Uptodown? (More information)
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Older versions

xapk 3.12.4 Android + 5.0 Mar 19, 2024
apk 3.12.4 Android + 5.0 May 9, 2024
apk 3.12.0 Android + 5.0 Feb 21, 2024
apk 3.11.14 Android + 5.0 Feb 26, 2024
apk 3.11.11 Android + 5.0 Dec 13, 2023
apk 3.11.9 Android + 5.0 Nov 26, 2023

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